Think Global Celebrate Africa

Think Global: Celebrate Africa! is produced in association with Oxfam and explores Africa's extraordinarily rich
and exuberant musical heritage a heritage that is thriving from South Africa to Algeria and from Mali to Kenya.

Truly the most musical of continents, Africa has so much to celebrate!

Artists include: Syran Mbenza, Etran Finatawa, Nuru Kane, Akim El Sikameya, Saba,
Emmanuel Jal & Abdel Gadir Salim, Vakoka, Samba Touré, Mory Kanté, Daby Balde,
Sally Nyolo, Seprewa Kasa, Mabulu, Shiyani Ngcobo,Kenge Kenge
Celebrating the thriving musical creativity and traditions of Africa.

Featuring some of the biggest names in African Music including Mory Kanté, Etran Finatawa & Nuru Kane
A brilliant overview of the musical melting pot that is Africa.
Accessible music and concept, ideal for targeting special markets as well as traditional markets.
New release from the innovative Think Global label, which builds on the knowledge and experience
of World Music Network but works in association with charities and NGO's.

01. Syran Mbenza and Ensemble Rumba Kongo - Liyanzi Ekoti Ngai Na Motema 05:18
02. Etran Finatawa - Tekana 05:28
03. Nuru Kane - Niane 02:54
04. Akim El Sikameya - Sa Majeste Lila 04:06
05. Saba - Boqoroda Meskin 03:14
06. Emmanuel Jal and Abdel Gadir Salim - Ya Salam 06:55
07. Vakoka - Faly Sy Ravo 04:34
08. Samba Toure - Foda Diakaina 04:37
09. Mory Kante - Desole 05:05
10. Daby Balde - Yaye Boye 05:33
11. Sally Nyolo - Bikoutsi 03:40
12. Seprewa Kasa - Seprewa Kasa (Seprewa Speaks Guitar Answers!) 06:30
13. Mabulu - Rosita 03:37
14. Shiyani Ngcobo - uDadewethu 03:56
15. Kenge Kenge - Obama for Change 05:36


StickBlo said...

mp3, 96Mb

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